• rph-r

    thank you,
    Actually it is for a Bela board, it uses an ARM A8. I have rc5, and some objects seem not to work properly, but I've just read rc9 needs PD 0.54, and Bela uses 0.51...

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  • rph-r

    hey! where can I find the RC9 version for RPi? (or the latest)

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  • rph-r

    Right inlet works actually,
    the issue is [savestate] sends the list too early I guess, maybe before [list-store51] loads everything. I tried with:

    [delay 1000]
    [list 1 2 3 4 5(

    and a more-delayed bang on list-store51 left inlet to print, the list 1 2 3 4 5 is printed.

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  • rph-r

    thank you @oid, that is exactly what I needed!
    I'll try this afternoon on the Bela, but it does work on my computer.
    However, I noticed right inlet doesn't store list like the original.

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  • rph-r

    ok, I did it with list. On my computer it is working nicely, but on the Bela I get:

    error: list store: no mehod for 'set'

    I use:

    [set n $1(
    [list store 0 0 0 0 0]

    one [set( for each item, n is the index

    Doesn't 0.51-4 [list] version provides set method?

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  • rph-r

    I had exactly the same feeling @willblackhurst, a good idea nobody use because it is not really functional. I'm happy I was wrong. It would have been so useful in a lot of my past project, especially the one with 60 instances of an abstraction with 15 parameters some years ago...

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  • rph-r

    ok, I'll give a try. Indeed [savestate]-help says since 0.49. Never trust chatgpt.

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  • rph-r

    @oid said:

    There is no reason these would bog down [savestate], can't say why it was causing problems for you without seeing how you implemented it, I regularly store far greater amounts of data in [savestate] without issue.

    I didn't even tried [savestate]. Pd version on the board the patch will run is 0.51, and I read somewhere [savestate] is present only since 0.52 (I'm using a Bela).. And anyway it seemed difficult to use for 10-20 parameters.

    About the patch as it is, you're right about the type thing, it moves both 1 and 2. But how did the other changed?

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  • rph-r

    You're right: here is the critical part of my patch. All the eqs have been automatically changed to N 3, N 4 etc as I said, I fixed the first and the second so they are now like I wrote them first. Maybe you can understand when and why it is automatically changing.

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  • rph-r

    I've just learned subpatches doesn't work with arguments.
    Although I've been trying that in the meanwhile and I noticed a strange behavior:
    I copied various version of an eq subpatch, which I numbered like [pd eq 1] [pd eq 2] etc. (don't tell me to use abstraction, I have a lot of parameters and [savestate] seems too heavy).
    I don't know why it is working, but it is: within the subpatches I have for example [s $1-freq] and [r $1-freq] and all the other eqs aren't affected.
    That's not all: for any reason I can't reproduce all the subpatches copies after a while turned like [pd eq N 1] (notice the space between N and 1), N 2, N 3, N 4, and again N 1 in the next column of object (!?!). The interesting thing is that all my $1 inside the subpatches have been replaced by the corresponding number I gave as argument (1 - 16).

    I want to reproduce the last point so I don't have to change some names within all the subpatches. I have send and receives, but also [route $1-freq $1-slope] etc., coming from a remote computer by [netsend]

    doe's anybody know about that?

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