• rph-r

    thank you, I didn't know about [command].
    I get exactly the same result. I wonder if it is not a format issue. I tried to escape spaces, but it returns an error

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  • rph-r

    I cannot get this to work:

    [echo "bla" >> textfile.txt(

    In textfile.txt, I get nothing, and in the console I get:

    "bla" >> textfile.txt

    as if all the command is a string.

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  • rph-r

    is thre another way to do that, just to know?

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  • rph-r

    [concat] helps thank you!
    But still, it keeps backslashes. I pass the whole message through a [$1(, then it displays the text correctly at least in the terminal.
    I won't use externals in this project since it will run on a Bela board.

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  • rph-r

    well, I really have trouble with data types in PD: how can I write simple text? I want to write log messages that I can print to the console (without backslashes!), through the network, and maybe to a text file.
    | messages like this are seen as lists, right? (

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  • rph-r

    ok, I get it! it is working now...
    thank you both!

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  • rph-r

    I can't understand why the first of these is working while the second isn't (with error $2: argument number out of range)

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  • rph-r

    wow, thank you for this test patch!
    I made a flip-flop recorder, now I just have to test. I'll tell you soon...

    I'll probably mount the sounds sticked together in a DAW and listen. Then I can make further test to check if we are sample to sample, but if it sounds good, with no clicks, it is enough for me...

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  • rph-r

    I want to record all the day in fragments of 10' :
    I understand I have to give [writesf~] some time between stop and start to flush everything.
    Some seconds before recording a new file I [open( the file.
    I have 2 [writesf~] in the patch, so on a bang it records on the first and stops the second, then reverse for the next period.
    Am I sure the files finish and start sample to sample?

    Then I will [readsf~] them in the same way as one stream (12 hours later).

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  • rph-r

    It sound's wonderful, I'll try that these days, I'll tell you how it goes...
    thank you!

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Internal error.

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