• Robotland


    Anyone had bad experience with zexy 2.1?

    I'm starting pd like this:

    /usr/local/bin/pd \
    -alsa -mididev 2,3 \
    -path /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/iemabs \
    -path /home/blabla/pd/cyclone-bin/bin \
    -path /home/blabla/pd/pd-abstractions \
    -path /usr/local/lib/pd/extra \
    -lib zexy:gem:iemlib1:iemlib2:iem_mp3:iem_t3_lib \

    The terminal shows this:

    (c) the zexy external 2.1 (c)
    (c) (l) forum::für::umläute (c)
    (c) compiled: May 13 2008 (c)
    (c) send me a 'help' message (c)
    then it outputs this and quits:

    *** glibc detected *** /usr/local/bin/pd: free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x0a3a0638 ***
    ======= Backtrace: =========

    anyone got a clue?
    I compiled both PD and zexy on my Gentoo machine.

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  • Robotland

    I'm running Pd 0.40-3-extended in Gentoo, everything seems to work fine except that I'm having serious problems with getting PD to recognize my Doepfer midi interface (analogue knobs to midi).
    The only midi interface it does recognize is my midi keyboard which PD find as an OSS device #1.

    However, the Doepfer interface works fine if you look at the raw output with cat:
    cat /dev/midi
    But PD just refuses to find find it.
    Perhaps there is some cheap hack to fool PD to start caring about my /dev/midi instead of only listening to /dev/midi1?

    Both the midi keyboard and Dopefer midi interface are run over USB.

    Any one got some special tricks 'n tips perhaps?

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  • Robotland


    I have successfully setup a demultiplexer (4051), I can alternate between LED 1-8 by sending binary values to Digital out pin 2,3,4 and sending the actual signal to Digital out pin 13.

    This works fine with the playground tutorial
    ( http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Learning/4051 ), however, I can not get it to work correctly with PD using pduino, I managed to control some of the leds but I didn't actually know what I did :)

    I haven't found any good tutorials for the demultiplexing part in PD yet, so help would be very appreciated on how to easily select led 1-8 from PD with a demultiplexer.


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  • Robotland


    I'm wondering which way would be the easiest to make a modular signal chain?
    The user should be able to decide the order of three effects like this:

    [nasty_synth] ---[X]---[Y]---[Z]--->dac~

    where X,Y,Z could be delay,bit crusher,flanger or similar.
    so there would be 27 different combinations right?

    One idea, which might a little overkill, but couldn't you basically have a directory which all three effects resides in, and then copy them over to a new folder (done via C code?) and in the target folder all files will be called 1.pd 2.pd 3.pd ?

    So 1.pd 2.pd 3.pd will be statically called in my patch while the contents of the actual sub patches changes.

    [nasty_synth] ---[1]---[2]---[3]--->dac~
    When the user decided to have the chain like this: Flanger -> Delay -> Bit crusher, the files: flanger.pd delay.pd bitcrusher.pd will be copied to a new folder AS
    1.pd 2.pd 3.pd.

    I have have no real clue if this utterly stupid, but feedback would be very much appreciated. Thanks!

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  • Robotland

    it seems that it was the l2s aka list2symbol object that caused the crash, I used symbol instead and from there it works fine.

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  • Robotland

    I didn't really get the last part of your reply, however I got it working now :)

    Doepfer is at /dev/midi = PD midi in 2
    Midi keyboard is at /dev/midi2 = PD midi 3

    So I launched my simple midi patch which uses ctlin (for doepfer) and notein (for midi keyboard) with:
    pd -midiindev 2,3

    Works perfectly!

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  • Robotland

    Thanks for the help wahtak, the decimal to binary thing makes life a little bit easier now, however, I'm not sure you should send the the info as lists or not to the arduino interface...and in which mode I should trigger LED on pin 13.

    Anyone got some clues perhaps?

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  • Robotland

    Yeah well, I should have mentioned it that all effects should be used at the same time, pretty much..or rather, you should be able to use all of them, or just one or two if you want. so max combinations will be 27, I thought about the batch thing, but yeah, a bit time consuming and will probably just clutter the interface :)

    You could also put _all_ effects in a sub patch three times in a row and then from the main patch control what should be on/off inside these patches, which makes it kinda modular...but it would be a cheap hack and perhaps it will consume cpu even if some effects are OFF?

    Thanks for the feedback and the patch, some interesting stuff in there :)

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!