• robotfunk

    Hi, I'm having some trouble with this patch I'm making for an installation.

    what should be happening

    there are 4 zones, each with 2 microphones and 2 speakers. when moving through the zones your audio is recorded and played back the next zone like this

    enter zone 1
    record mic 1 + 2

    enter zone 2
    record mic 3+4
    playback recording from 1+2 over speaker 3+4

    enter zone 3
    record mic 4+5
    playback recording from 3+4 over speaker 5+6


    the recording is going more or less fine but no sound is being played back..
    could anyone take a look at this patch ( you need audio card with 8in and 8out to test) and tell me what I'm doing wrong? maybe not waiting long enough before playing back the recorded files?


    posted in technical issues read more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!