Just curious, what's the main difference between Purr Data and Vanilla, aside from it's obvious by and for cats?
@weightless It is starting to. That is a very different paradigm than Audulus. If I had a patch with multiple wave folders would each one need to have a separate variable, like $v1 in one and $v2 in the other?
@alexandros would three variable wave oscillators and my wavefolder really overwhelm the organelle?
Yes, the idea of a wavefolder is to reflect the waveform when it exceeds the range of -1 to 1. So the plan is to send the wavefolder a waveform and offset that signal by a varying amounts and multiply it's amplitude many times so that it goes outside -1 to 1 and folds back on itself creating new harmonics. If you open the patch I made you can see what it does. A very similar wavefolder would be sin( $v1 * asin(1)) or even cos (x) but I like 2 * asin (sin( $v1 * (pi/2)))/pi because it has more harmonics.
I would love it if you could upload a patch of your atan concept, I'm still hungry to learn how Pd works and practical examples I can relate to would be welcome.
@weightless "acos(-1)" might be more characters than "pi" but far far fewer than 3.1415......... And it still seems to work fine, thanks again!
Cool! I did this exercise almost exactly, building the TX waveforms in Audulus. This will give me a good way of comparing how nodes work in Pd. Many thanks!
I open this patch, turn dsp on and I don't hear anything, what do I check to find the problem?
w00t! I made a basic patch, achievement unlocked
@weightless said:
@robertsyrett Hi and welcome to the forum and Pd.
I suggest you look at the [expr~] object and its help file. You can run a signal through an expression (using the variable "$v1" in place of "x").
Thanks! good to know a little more about how the expression node works. However it doesn't seem to recognize pi as a constant. Should I just substitute 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062, or is there a more elegant solution?
Hello, I am super new to Pd but have been using Audulus for about a year. I was thinking about getting a guitari and critter organelle so I could load my own patches in a hardware device and thought I would see how well I could get on in Pd. I'm a lost at the moment, and while I plow my way through hours of tutorial videos I thought I might ask for a little help.
How do I send a waveform of varying amplitude through this expression in Pd?
2 * asin( sin( x *(pi/2)))/pi