@rayinoak I Found it. I had to look a little further.
http://aspress.co.uk/sd/practical28.html -
I am unable to download his files from the MIT resources page. They just come out garbled and not in the form of a pure data file. http://mitpress2.mit.edu/designingsound/birds.asp
A while ago I found another source of these folders but cannot seem to locate them.
Does anyone have any insight?All help greatly appreciated.
I am getting no sounds out of this patch. Any help greatly appreciated.
I have also been messing around with pix_resize, matching the dimensions of the lower dimension (the film), and it is almost working...
Thanks Johnny. I am pretty new to this. How would you use alpha blending? -
How do you mix (pix-mix) images and film in GEM? I get this error message when I try, [pix_mix]: two images do not have equal dimensions (320x240 != 2100x1400). Do i have to custom shape the image dimensions to match the film images?
woo hoo! Thanks... the person who did the tutorial also commented.
I have been watching the below video and it tutors you to use the objects translate and rotate. The object is spelled out like this... translatexyz and rotatexyz. This does not work at least with my current Pure Data program which is the latest. So I spread them apart, translate x y z same with rotate and ended up only have three total inlets where I should have four total. Any thoughts?
actually this tutorial is more thorough and shows you how to record a PD performance
as its happening...
How do you save and export sound files that you make in Pure Data?