• raag

    Hi i'm new to the program and i'm trying to make an autofilter. The first problem i've come to is that lop~ doesn't have an input for a resonance control. How can i add resonance to my filter patch?.

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  • raag

    Cian- that made it a bit clearer, i'm still not sure on how to use it in my patch.

    Boonier - My idea for an autofilter was to have an lfo control the filter cut off attack and release. And the audio input trigger the lfo. Do you know the best way of doing this?.

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  • raag

    I really appreciate the help but i'm a novice so i'm easily confused. At the momment i have a moog filter with filter freq and res. I followed a tutorial on the obiwannabe site for a basic synth which uses a line object for modulating the filter. I need to be able to trigger the filters with an lfo, i would like to have controls to choose between 3 waveforms and lfo speed. My PD knowledge really is minimal so what is a good starting point for this task?.

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  • raag

    Thanks thats really helpful. I'm now trying to figure out how to control the filters attack and decay with an lfo, i'd ideally like to be able to switch between some waveforms and control lfo speed. I'm sure this is quite basic stuff but i'm totally new to this. Please could you let me know what objects i need to use or recommend a tutorial?.

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