• Quait

    @arif- i'm having the same issues that OP has described. i have tried what you have suggested, but when you say "create", there's a lot of options, (i'm assuming it's under 'put' in pd). which one should i use?

    it seems that my ipad just does not want to see that my computer is interfacing. i've tried over an ad-hoc network, and over my standard home wi-fi. either i'm really, REALLy fucking up, or this is just seems so damn difficult/discouraging. i would really love some detailed directions on how to set up Pure Data with ipad, on a WINDOWS OS. most of the tutorials deal with Macs, yet there's not much support on the PC side. i understand, PC sucks, but i'm working my way up to having a collection on MACs, so until then, i have what i have. please help, i'm getting extremely frustrated with this, and the one tutorial that people seem to have been referencing isn't online anymore (it was referenced a year or so ago).

    thank you thank you thank you!

    posted in technical issues read more

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