• Potatopaste


    I was wondering what would be the best way to play audio files through pd? I'm setting up an Arduino to have 10 to 12 switches and then using pduino so when you press a switch an audio file plays.
    If you haven't heard of or used Arduino that shouldn't matter. I just mention it in case someone has done something similar.
    I'm using oggread~ at the moment, which works, but I'm having trouble getting good quality ogg files, and converting others usually results in a pretty crappy sounding file. Any ideas?

    I'm all the latest versions on a mac by the way.

    posted in technical issues read more
  • Potatopaste

    Hi, relatively new at this so please bear with me. I've done some stuff with pd a few years back, buts its been a while. I know what I want to do, and the basics behind it, but not exactly sure where to begin with the pd side.

    Basically, what I'm doing: Rigging up some home made switches (10 or so) into the chip part of a keyboard, so that when someone sets off one of these switches, the computer gets some sort of input, (like a letter or something).
    I'll then want to use this input to play some sort of movie, or sound, but for the meantime, I'm looking for a patch that will read in this input.
    Anyone heard of something like this?
    A lecturer showed me a patch that pretty much does exactly what I'm looking for, but I can't find it .
    Also, it would really help if someone has done something similar.

    posted in technical issues read more
  • Potatopaste

    Thanks for the reply. Space shouldn't be a problem, as long as the patch remains stable. I'll try out readsf and let ye know how it works out.

    posted in technical issues read more

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