Sorry if the title is confusing... Shows how much of a n00b I am.
I've finished a patch but it is extremely messy.. I've seen people take all the interactive objects and put them in another patch, still effecting the patch underneath.
How do i do this?
I just want the objects to control the patch , not all the wires etc
Anotheer n00b question unfortunately
I have a playstation controller plugged in via the hid object. I want btn 14 ( x button ) to activate a bang. This works but also pings back data when i release the button... Is there anyway around this ?
ps . Im creating a drum machine using the ps3 controller as the interface. Currently one press of x equals 2 kicks
Does anyone know how to import images into a patch? I just want to add it as a visual element to my synths patch.
Does anyone know a way of controlling PD with a playstation 3 controller? I've seen many people use the wii remotes accelerometer to control their patches but not he ps controller. Please help!
I'm trying to create a synthesiser controlled by the weather... It sounds a bit mad but i think the results would be very interesting.
Im pretty new to PD having only created very basic generative synths, but i enjoy a challenge.
I've thought about buying a cheap weather station ( http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=220865 ) and somehow connecting all sensors to my laptop and manipulate the incoming data.
Another option is to receive RSS feeds but ive read there is no easy way to do this PD
My last option is to use an open source weather monitoring software. A bit like this one - http://heat-meteo.sourceforge.net/ . I have no idea how i would receive information from this in to pure data.
Please help!
yeh, worked that one out. It's taking ages to move the whole patch to the left of the graph on parent window. I'll do it even if it kills me
Once again guys. Thanks for your help
ah ok.... I think i've done it the wrong way round then. I've already finished the patch in what i presume is the ' parent window'. Any way around this?
Thanks for the reply skatias
The X button on the PS3 controller is connected to a osc ~ through and ADSR. When i press X , it's hit and miss if pd receives it.. if that makes sense
wicked, thanks skatias!
works a treat
Would you know how to fix the responsiveness?
Thanks seegwen, the accelerometer and buttons are working perfectly. I noticed the hid tool reconised infrared hardware on my laptop.. when sending or receiving data, can this control pd?? can someone elaborate on this????