I'm working on a patch in which I inserted some comments.
Each time I load the patch, I have, on two sub-patches, 3 to 5 extra fields of comment, useless, written "comment" that appear. If I erase them, they don't appear anymore during the session, but the next time I will open my pd file, they will be here - thus each time I have to erase them manually...Can you help me in fixing this probelm ?
My configuration :
iMac, Mac OSX 10.6.8
Pure data : 0.42.5 - extendedThanks a lot !
I would like to know if it is possible to send inputs from an Arduino board, let say a sensor signal, into Pd ; can we manipulate non-audio signals coming from the board in this software ? Or is there a way to convert signal from a sensor, numerized via Arduino, into a format file exploitable via Pd, i.e. plotting a curve Y (signal) f(time), or making some data treatment on it (multiplication, frequence filters, send it back to the Arduino board...) ?
Thank you.
I'm wondering if it's possible to send a keyboard data (let's say, the letter "A") to an application other than Pd using a Pd patch ?
For example, is it possible to make a Pd patch allowing to convert a MIDI order from a MIDI controller, into the letter "A", and send this letter to the active application (let's say I'm in Word) ?Thank you for your help !
uuuuh I'm ashamed, looks like you were right ! sorry for this "stupid" question.
Yes by selecting via drag-and-select box it is fixed.
(damned, I tried maybe 20 times)
Thanks a lot !
I erase by selecting the whole comment - it gets highlighted in full blue, then I hit backspace yes...
Thanks a lot for your help ! I will look at these links.
Have a nice day, bye
Thanks for your help. Ok I see how to operate.
I'm wondering if it's possible to do such a Bome's MIDI translator, or MIDI stroke-like patch : with those two, the keyboard shortcut is sent "somewhere in the system", i.e. in a layer that is directly accessible by any active application. I don't think they use specific API for specific applications. This is my feeling as I used them with various applications without any additional stuff to install.
Thus do you think it will be possible to make an API between the MIDI->keyboard patch and any application ? an API taking the keyboard order, and putting it in "basic system layer=keyboard entrance" to where any application is constantly listening to ?
(you probably understand know that I'm not informatician...).
Thanks bye