• osc

    Hi all. Is there anyone out there in pd-land who successfully has pd output to the ASIO drive of the RME Babyface? (Win XP)

    After a short time of experimucking, it seems I can only get audio out through the MMIO [edit: not WDM] devices.

    I'm far from conversant with pd's command line flags, but my guess is that's not where an answer may lie...

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  • osc

    I can happily report that I've successfully got the latest autobuild of extended (0.43.1) up and running with no major glitches so far.

    My first attempts failed when my path preferences weren't saved.

    I'm now running from a batch file with my path locations included as startup flags. Works a treat.

    Magic glass is killer!

    Can't figure out what 'perf mode' is?

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  • osc

    I can confirm that vanilla 0.43.0 works fine with ASIO and the Babyface.

    Now to try that pd-extended 0.43.1 nightly build...

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  • osc

    Thanks, mod. Two variables different (multiface, OSX), but encouraging nonetheless. I tried Win 7 last night - same issue. And with MMIO the best I can achieve is about 47ms before things break up.

    It seems I may have more joy with vanilla. Do vanilla and extended use different versions of portaudio???

    I've 9 months of development in extended behind me with a significant reliance on extended objects. If I do move to vanilla, can I copy the entire extended 'extra' folder somewhere and add that to vanilla's search path?

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  • osc

    Further, although I can't dig up much on pd and babyface, It seems that numerous RME fireface owners have had a simliar issue with pd and possible pd-extended, in particular.

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  • osc

    I had some limited joy here, too. My goal is to pipe audio between multiple instances of PD. Or to another app and back. Latency may kill this 'pipe dream' (groan) but I'll give it a shot anyway. Maybe I can use the latency creatively!


    I installed the latest nightly auto-build of 0.43.1 extended.

    I started Jack, ran an instance of PD, selected ASIO then Jack as output. (For the first time) I could see PD from qjackctl.

    It all seemed to fall to bits, though, upon starting a second instance of PD and attempting to select Jack as its input. PD2 didn't show in Jack and it lost the list of ASIO drivers from it's drop-down.

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  • osc

    Digging up an old thread...

    obi, you mentioned:

    "...How Pd achieves its speed is that it uses practical approximations that will run in a guaranteed time. Pd is less accurate than Csound in most uses because it cuts some corners, but for the mostpart you don't hear these much..."

    I'm fascinated to learn precisely what the approximations and corners the pd employs. Are you able to elaborate?

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  • osc

    no probs!

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  • osc

    Try placing the parentdollarzero object in a new patch, saving that, then creating an instance of that patch in another new patch. It's working for me. Here, I've attached a patch for you...


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  • osc

    mozz, try prefixing the object name with the library name, like this:


    FWIW, I'm on the same setup as yourself and it's working OK for me.


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  • osc

    Hello, fellow PDites.

    Good moment for me to contribute, given I'm the beneficiary of much great info on this forum. Thanks to all.

    In pd-extended, iemlib has an object that works a treat:


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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!