• n0153

    Hello all. I new to PD. Before it i learned csound and now i want to try PD to compare it with csound.

    For good start I need to adjust PD interface for my taste. I need to change following:

    1.Font size in different places of interface. In most places it very little on netbook screen.

    2.Font family. Out of boх font is good, but Terminus I like much more

    3.Colors. I prefer color scheme where background is darker than foreground, and I want to change it for tcl/tk interface, as I changed it for gtk. System-wide or on level of one application.

    I try to play with /usr/lib/pd-extended/bin/pd.tk, but changes in this file affects not whole interface, but only some parts of it. Fonts changed only in main window, and some colors changed only in patch window, and some white background is inherit from main window. At the same time fonts in patch window and for example in documentation browser is not terminus as I set everywhere.

    I cannot say that I completely understand what I'm doing in pd.tk. What I need to know and what files I need to edit? Visual style of application is important for me, I can spend a lot of time for it, but I need your advice.

    command line options have no effect.

    Maybe this is important: I use gentoo linux and I install puredata-base/pd-extended from pd-overlay

    posted in technical issues read more

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