i'm relatively new to pduino / firmata business, and am puzzling over how, or whether it's possible to simultaneously switch all the digital out pins (or at least more than
from within pd. from the help patches i gather it's possible to send 8 bit messages to the arduino with a message like [port 0 255< (to set 8 pins at a time with one message), and there's also a "strobe all pins" example, but this seems to send a series of [digital pin# boolean< messages rather than updating all the pins at the same time (the same would probably be true if i "strobed" 2 ports?). Does anyone know how this actually plays out on the arduino?
I have a little difficulty with the seq object (in cyclone) - specifically, i'd like to separate the midi stream it sends into streams of note ons and note offs respectively, but i can't quite figure out what its outlet sends out exactly. with "print" i get a sequence of single integers - status byte, pitch, velocity status byte, pitch, etc (something like 144 56 127 128 56 0 144 45 127 128 45 127), but trying to pack that into a list (i've tried with last_n 3) results into gibberish rather than triplets, with more messages in between; at least I failed to see a pattern. anyone who could help me on here? stripnote doesn't seem to work for me, because it just dumps the noteoffs (whereas I'd like to delay them)
fwiw, here's a few things to interface a SPI device with pd (FUDI, midi or osc). should be fairly easy to adapt to one's needs:
adc2FUDI.c, adc2midi.c :
adc2osc.c :