Thank you very much for your help and patches!! I am hesitating a bit to use work of such high degree. Maybe there is a chance to show appreciation in some way, shape or form. Thank you!!
You are a magician!
I worked through the video and got it running.
My final aim is to sync Logic Pro X and start out building (hopefully) complete music pieces generated in Pd with a hybrid intend coorporating guitar improvisation, too. Here comes the DAW part into play. Maybe running Pd/[abl-link~] still has an advantage for external synchronisation to a DAW, though. I found you can´t [s xy] [r xy] outside the plugdata plugIn.
btw: I tried [fader~] but got some error message:
canvas: no method for 'delete'
1032-catch 1 0 0 0 (catch~->outlet) connection failedI also saw some of your performances on YT. Very inspiring! Are the visuals (i.e. Wind and Shadow) made in Pd, too? Thank you!
Dear Forum,
I managed to extract a ppq stream from my DAW using plugdata´s [playhead]:
How to convert to sixteenth note bangs for further synchronized rhythmic application using the Bangs=beats?
One quarter note is divided in 10000 parts. So 47.9999 ist the last part of beat 47 and skips to measure 48 on the next part change.
The quarter notes could be extracted for a pulsating bang with: (ppq value)-[int]-[change]-[bang] so far in a first step.
Thank you!