• monbaza

    My respected PD list,

    This is your off-topic, but quite on-topic to me.

    I make music and sound for game and animation industry in my day time.
    And in the night, I experiment with Audiomulch and Reaktor.
    I just download PD and a few patches.
    But have no clue how to start using PD.
    I have done some search in Amazon, no luck on finding a good book of PD.
    I think I need help of step-by-step about learning PD as a sound creation tool.
    I know that PD can do a lot more than just sound creation.
    But I need a starting place.
    In my November exhibition,
    I plan to use sensors from iCubeX (their starter kit) to make a piece.
    SO I think I have a lot learn since this is more than just output from a computer, it also includes input.

    Could someone please tell me how to start?

    Thank you!

    Monbaza in Taiwan

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  • monbaza

    I laughed my head off......
    Yes, these guys fat a lot i think...
    imagine in such a small cabin.
    Well.. yes , it sure is Star War...
    All-be-One is the final answer to the galaxy.
    I notice that in the early Luca film (THX 1138).
    Some of his ideas have already explored.
    And there is even an interesting thing that I discover in the American Graffiti.
    I found a lincese plate (of a car) is THX 138.
    Surely I do not think this is a coincidence.

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  • monbaza

    jackULL, I have to say your response is much than appreciated from me. These links are very practical especially the obiwan (startrekk rules!).
    I am giving them a lot of trying and read-out. Hopefully I'll be lee lost in the next few weeks. Thank you for your very kind words.

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