• melter

    @porres something about [format] doesn't seem to be working correctly. See the [datetime] helpfile to see what I mean

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  • melter

    @porres recompiled using rc12 code and everything seems to be working well.

    I assume there still might be problems with sfinfo etc but [highpass~] is working. [format] is also working as expected (no error thrown about variables).

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  • melter

    @porres yes, I did! I should used the Rc12 one actually. I'm sort of new to compiling etc. I'll try and recompile later and see if that solves the [highpass~] issue.

    It's not a major problem for me to not have [sfload] etc. But I'm glad I've been able to at least replicate the problem's you've all been having. I did some quick googling, which suggests it might be still linked to openssl in some way. I'm not sure if that tallies with what @timothyschoen thinks.

    Another issue I'm stumped on: I keep getting errors with [format] saying that no variables are given. I don't get these errors on macOS at all.

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  • melter

    Further update. Else compiled but I am running into errors. I opened a patch I've been working on with a macOS system. I get the following errors on load:

    ... couldn't create
    /home/csteenson/Pd/externals/else/sfload.l_arm64:/home/csteenson/Pd/externals/else/sfload.l_arm64: undefined symbol: TLS_client_method
    else/sfload buffer_$0
    ... couldn't create
    /home/csteenson/Pd/externals/else/sfinfo.l_arm64:/home/csteenson/Pd/externals/else/sfinfo.l_arm64: undefined symbol: TLS_client_method
    ... couldn't create
    load_object: Symbol "highpass_tilde_setup" not found in "/home/csteenson/Pd/externals/else/highpass~.l_arm64"
    ... couldn't create
    [format]: no variables given

    I'm assuming the [sfinfo] errors are to do with ffmpeg in some way during compilation. No idea about the [highpass~] error. [lowpass~] for example works fine.

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  • melter

    I've been trying to do a build of else for 64-bit Bookworm OS on Pi 4B.

    I've been able to edit the CMakeLists file to remove pdlink~.c and pdlink.c

    -- Configuring Opus
    -- Configuring sfizz
    -- Configuring ffmpeg
    -- 316 coded objects (205 signal objects / 111 control objects)
    -- 225 abstractions (87 signal objects / 138 control objects)
    -- Merda modules: 22
    -- Configuring done
    -- Generating done
    -- Build files have been written to: /home/csteenson/pd-src/pd-else/Build

    But I'm having problems with ffmpeg now...

    [ 28%] Built target pimp_tilde
    [ 28%] Built target pink_tilde
    [ 28%] Building FFmpeg libraries...
    ERROR: openssl not found
    If you think configure made a mistake, make sure you are using the latest
    version from Git.  If the latest version fails, report the problem to the
    ffmpeg-user@ffmpeg.org mailing list or IRC #ffmpeg on irc.libera.chat.
    Include the log file "ffbuild/config.log" produced by configure as this will help
    solve the problem.
    Makefile:194: /tests/Makefile: No such file or directory
    make[3]: *** No rule to make target '/tests/Makefile'.  Stop.
    make[2]: *** [Source/Shared/ffmpeg/CMakeFiles/ffmpeg_deps.dir/build.make:76: Source/Shared/ffmpeg/ffmpeg-7.0.1/libavformat/libavformat.a] Error 2
    make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:9328: Source/Shared/ffmpeg/CMakeFiles/ffmpeg_deps.dir/all] Error 2
    make: *** [Makefile:156: all] Error 2

    EDIT: I got past this by installing libssl-dev and ffmpeg compiled correctly... This part took quite a while.

    BUT! else fully compiled after that! Yay!

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  • melter

    @porres @timothyschoen whoops, I realised I compiled from the wrong source. Here's a failed compile with the 0.55-2 source.

    Is it to do with float32 in some way?


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  • melter

    I can attest that this is a great little abstraction for DBAP :) thank you @solipp

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  • melter

    @porres no worries. I hope you can fix it. It would be brilliant to have running on the Pi. Especially with the multichannel support.

    I tried compiling on a 32-bit operating system and this is the log. I didn't get very far, unfortunately. But maybe this is useful for you and @timothyschoen


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  • melter

    Just a note that if you are trying to install pd 0.51-4 using Raspbian Bookworm,

    sudo apt install libfftw3-3

    in Step 3 of @emviveros's instructions will not work.

    However, you can get around this by installing each of libfftw3-3's dependencies, which can be found here: https://packages.debian.org/buster/libfftw3-3

    After this, you can proceed as normal and pd will install.

    It's also worth noting at when pd is installed it goes to usr/local/bin (at least when I've done it). From here you can create a link to the pd-gui bash file to create a logo shortcut. If I have time I'll make instructions, for those who wants something a bit more user friendly...

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  • melter

    I've just run into the same issue, regarding else on a 64-bit Rpi OS.

    Has anyone had success compiling RC12? I haven't tried the pd-lib-builder method. I did try using the compilation instructions on the Github page, but to no avail. It ran but did not seem to work...

    I'm reverting back to a 32-bit OS to see if that will work.

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!