I have sime mysterious problem here:
Cookies are enabled
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EVen Google analytics is allowed to watch
what I doing here.
I am using Firefox on Linux.
I can login -- but as soon as I enter
a topic of a forum I get auto logouted.
I cannot reply to any posting...How can I fix it?
(And if you will not find any answer
of me in this thread, the problem still
exists... :-/Best regards,
mcc -
(I am using puredata extended on Linux -- and I am a pd-newbie)
I finally managed to read a soundfile into an array and play it.
When I compare the audible output from what pd is playing and
that what MPlayer gives me with the same audio file it seems that
pd/tabplay is playing the sound a little faster -- the sound (it is no
music) sounds "highe" ... less bass.I am feeding the output of tabplay through a highpass filter wth
a cutoff frequency of 1 directly to the dac.How can I make pd's outpuit sound like that what MPlayer (for example)
produces?Thank you very much in advance for any help!
Best regards,
mcc -
Hi Maelstorm,
Thank you for your help !:O)
No, the file itsself is a mono-file (according to the "file"-tool).
By the way: Is "Logic" a Linux or Window program?
I cannot find it in the Gentoo emerge database...Have a nice evening!
Best regards.
mcc -
Hi Mealstorm
Thank you for your help !
sorry for answering late...I have some problems to login into this forum...it
only works when using a webbrowser which I normally avoid due to securoty reasons...But back to the topic...
I installed ardour and listened to the sound file again: With ardour there is
a difference to that what pd plays identical to what I notice when playing it
with mplayer (by the way: How can I convince ardour to play only the piece
of sound and not run and run and run into the nothing behind the file???).
I also removed [hip~ 1] but it doesn not help. The patch what I am trying to
build here should later feed the output of the array into "something" to analyse
the sound and give me infos how to synthesis the sound with pd. So I think
I need [hip~ ] later when I have fixed/solved the problem I have currently.Do you have any other idea/tip how to proceed in this case?
Thank you VERY much for your help in advance!
Best regards,
mcc -
Hi Maelstrom,
I checked this. PD is at 44100Hz and the soundfile
is sampled with the same sample rate.
The difference in the outputs is small but audible...
Is there anything else I can tweak?Best regards,