• manuelgaviria

    hey guys.
    i think i have a similar problem. i want to send events over ctlout (e.g drum events) and midi notes over noteout (piano notes) to ableton (over the virtual MIDI port LoopMIDI). that works fine :D

    now, i'm using the software MidiEditor to record those midi signals, but i only get the events from ctlout, but i also would be interested to get the noteout signals.

    any ideas how to accomplish that?
    thanks in advance!
    cheers manuel

    posted in technical issues 7 years agoread more
  • manuelgaviria

    Hey guys,
    I have a data stream coming from a list, something like:
    1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 1
    What I want to do, is to detect the peak of this wave. What i've tried is something like this:

    • write an incoming number into a float object
    • compare this float-number with the next incoming number
    • if new incoming number bigger than f-number -> write new number into f and continue with the next number
    • else/not bigger than f-number, send a bang
      ...but I didn't get the expected results..
      Maybe you know a trick to do this.
      Thanks in advance!

    posted in technical issues 7 years agoread more
  • manuelgaviria

    Hey guys,
    i'm getting periodic input data from a Bluetooth over the comport device like:

    print: 100
    print: 28
    print: 0
    print: 132
    print: 4
    print: 100
    print: 28
    print: 0
    print: 132
    print: 4

    ...and so on. You see it's always 5 bytes with number 100 starting the series.
    Now I want to store these numbers in a 5-element-list/pack to work with that.

    I thought about starting to read with [== 100], but I'm not sure how to continue and how to store that. Do you think that the with [list append] or [pack f f f f f] objects it could work somehow?

    Thanks for your help!

    posted in technical issues 7 years agoread more
  • manuelgaviria

    ok, solved the problem. I just had to Change the Audio Settings :)

    posted in technical issues 7 years agoread more
  • manuelgaviria

    I started using pd some days ago to combine pd with an arduino.
    I began watching tutorials and used the objects osc~ and dac~, but when I clicked the DSP checkbox, only noise came out. The same happens when I try to import a soundfile and linking it with readsf~ and dac~.
    Does anybody have similar problems and know how to fix that?

    posted in technical issues 7 years agoread more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!