• macrogmittrei

    Hey dreamer, thanks so much for listening to the album and leaving a comment, I'm glad you liked it!

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  • macrogmittrei

    Hello everybody!

    A few days ago I released an album on the Detroit Underground label (detund).
    The album, except for the mastering which was done by the detund team (thank you very much), I did it entirely with Pure Data, without DAW and recording live.
    Martin Brinkmann's work (thank you very much Martin!) was essential, I used his patches a lot, especially "virtual(virtual)devices". Modifications of these, own patches and reverbs from Acreil and Bocanegra. Oh and some ELSE filters. Well and of course, thanks to Miller Puckette. I hope I didn't leave anyone out.
    I would like to leave here the link to the album on Bandcamp and if anyone on the forum is interested in downloading it, please send me a message in the chat so I can give you a free download code. I still have some.
    Thank you all very much, really, you guys are great!


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  • macrogmittrei

    In case anyone can use it on linux, Dexed's compilation instructions are practically valid to compile this same project, more or less.

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  • macrogmittrei

    I would love to try them, but although I have cmake installed and have done some testing, I don't know how to compile them on linux.
    Any hint, please?

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  • macrogmittrei

    I must be missing something, but both blow and strike parameters have always worked flawlessly for me without having made any changes to the code.

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  • macrogmittrei

    I just noticed a few days ago, that shortly after commenting on the forum or even at the same time, a couple of externals (brds and rngs) were updated on TheTechnobear's GitHub.
    They can now run at their original sample rate and if not, a message like this now pops up in the console:
    "brds~.pd is designed for 96k, not 44100.000000, approximating pitch".

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  • macrogmittrei

    One thing to keep in mind with these externals (unless you have modified them, which I don't know how to do) is that they were created/adapted for use in Organelle, that is, at 44.1K and 16 bits.

    The original hardware modules have different and very varied sample rates. In short, I think clouds uses 32k, rings 48k, braids 96k, etc...

    They are great externals, I managed to compile them in Linux after looking for some information and since then I haven't stopped using them.

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  • macrogmittrei

    @Nicolas-Danet said:

    QWERTY keyboard! Does it works if you add following code?

        event add <<NewObject>>                 <$mod-Key-1>
        event add <<NewMessage>>                <$mod-Key-2>
        event add <<NewAtom>>                   <$mod-Key-3>
        event add <<NewSymbol>>                 <$mod-Key-4>
        event add <<NewComment>>                <$mod-Key-5>
        event add <<NewBang>>                   <$mod-Key-6>
        event add <<NewToggle>>                 <$mod-Key-7>
        event add <<NewDial>>                   <$mod-Key-8>
        event add <<NewArray>>                  <$mod-Key-9>

    There < https://github.com/Spaghettis/Spaghettis/blob/master/tcl/ui_bind.tcl#L106 >.

    Yes, that worked.

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  • macrogmittrei

    @Nicolas-Danet said:

    Have you tried to create object (ctrl + 1) with the shift key also? It is always laborious to get it works on all platforms < https://github.com/Spaghettis/Spaghettis/blob/master/tcl/ui_bind.tcl#L94

    I only get four objects using Shift+Control.
    Shift+Control+1 = Dial
    Shift+Control+2 = Atom
    Shift+Control+6 = Object
    Shift+Control+8 = Comment

    . And could you tell me what you get for $OSTYPE value in a terminal/bash?

    echo $OSTYPE


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  • macrogmittrei

    @Nicolas-Danet said:

    On GNU/Linux Spaghettis uses JACK as backend, but contrary to Pd vanilla it is not connected by default (i use a permanent patchbay with qjackctl on my laptop).

    That was, as I always start jack from the terminal I hadn't noticed.
    Now it works and I have sound.

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!