i cann hide wires with a canvas but when i save it and reopen it they come back. i understand send recieve but ive looked at some patches and they are flawless. how can i hide things better?
i was wondering how to assign keyboard (askii) key to control stuff in pd. i know in max its like select and the number of the key and there's some other thing that has to be patched between that and what's being controlled but i know it's probably different here. i searched the topic a few ways and didn't get anything but you guys seem to be pretty knowledgeable so i was wondering if you could help me. i wanna turn bangs on and off.thanks
hi again,
im creating a very simple patch in which there are 3 sine wave osc. each with two pitches switchable with keys or bang objects. i want to make a switch that makes it so i can select other waveforms so i can put sounds together. i have the three osc. multiplying to a dac. and i think i need to send/receive from the subpatch to the main window. i was wondering how to: patch the waveform so that i can select them, use the hradio as i think it may be a switch that would do this is the main window, and in what order should the patch be patched so that i can have the oscs. and the dac in a subpactch while hhaveing the switch be out of the window.thanks.
Thanks that worked and i have mapped some stuff and it's awesome. i expect to ask a lot of questions as i am new and theres a lot of stuff that isn't very well documented but i dont want to a) pay for max and
im very for open source stuff so im really excited about getting into pd more. thanks a again