• Luke

    @JosephEoff Yes, that looks definitely like it! Awesome. Thank you very much!

    posted in technical issues read more
  • Luke

    Hi, I am working on my final project for my course and I have been using Pure Data to program an effect pedal. Sorry, I am new to programming and I have been struggling quite a lot with it and I was wondering if anybody could give me a help with a problem that got me stuck.

    I was wondering how to make the Dry/Wet parameter for the effects without having one on top of each other having an increase in the gain as a result.
    I would need to figure out how to even out the signal as the wet signal gets increased in the mix.
    What I mean is I would like to know how to make an inversely proportional reaction between the dry and wet signal so the more one decides to increase the wet signal, the more the dry signal decreases depending on the amount of the other and viceversa.

    There are a already a couple of threads in the forum talking about this, but no one really managed to give a simple/practical/straight-forward answer to this, with a result of trying all the suggestions found already and not being successful with it.

    Sorry if it sounds a bit tricky by words, but it is a simple concept that I cannot figure out how to make in practice with Pure Data.

    Thank you guys

    posted in technical issues read more
Internal error.

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