• kevster

    Im making a spectrum analyzer and Im having some issues trying to graph the data thats coming out of it. I need to map triplets (x,y,z) to pixels in a screen where the values x and y correspond to spatial coordinates and the value z corresponds to a shade of gray. I found a way to do it, but it involves making an abstraction that includes one object per pixel on the screen! Im pretty sure there is an easier way to do it. Any ideas?

    posted in pixel# read more
  • kevster

    Hi, this is my first post on the forum. I've been working with pure data for a month or so. I want to build a simple subpatch that orders N numbers from lowest to highest. I found an easy way it to do it for 2 numbers, and I thought that by some sort of iteration with the same subpatch several times I could order any amount N of numbers. I cant find a simple and elegant solution to this problem. Has anyone tried this before?

    posted in technical issues read more
  • kevster

    Got it, thanks!

    posted in technical issues read more

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