• joranus

    Hi, folks,

    I have a Digi003 Factory and am trying to make Pd talk to the interface. So far I can't get Digi003 to be listed as either MMIO or ASIO device in Pd's media menu.

    Has anybody done this before? Thanks a lot.

    posted in technical issues 16 years agoread more
  • joranus

    Hi, list,

    Have anyone tried to have pd's multichannel out on some consumer, non-proaudio sound cards?

    I'm doing a small project with Pd that needs individual multichannel out (instead of encoded stuff like AC3, DTS...) to an AV receiver. Instead of using pro-audio sound cards, does any consumer-grade ones kind support this purpose?

    I'm thinking of M-Audio 7.1 PCI card or 5.1 PCI card, which only have an array of 1/8 TRS stereo pair outputs there. Not sure if they really allow you to talk to each channel individually.

    Are there any other cards similar to these? Suggestions are really appreciated, Thanks!


    posted in technical issues 16 years agoread more
  • joranus

    Their support page is just amazing. Dunno why they need those complexity there....

    posted in technical issues 16 years agoread more
  • joranus

    yep, CoreAudio works with Mac, but it's not a Windows thing. Digi website claims that Windows driver is included in their Pro Tools setup. Windows can see it as one sound device, but it's still not listedin Pd's media menu....

    posted in technical issues 16 years agoread more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!