Thanks, that worked. Is there some Pd doc that I don't know about? I keep running into basic things like this that don't seem to be documented anywhere.
I'd like to make help files for my Pd modules that work like Pd object help files, but I can't find any documentation on how to do it. Where is this documented?
@whale-av Thanks! What is the purpose of the third and fourth outlets? How should I used them when generating stereo output?
[rev3~] has two audio inputs. It it true stereo? The help file doesn't say. It just shows just a single audio source that is routed directly into one input and inverted into the other, but doesn't explain why it does that.
Also, [rev3~] has 4 outputs. What are the functions of the third and fourth outlets? The help file doesn't explain it.
I upgraded to Pd 0.55.2, and still get the same message. How can I find out what the problem is?
I occasionally get an "Audio I/O error" message in red on the Pd console. I'm not getting any other clues what the problem is. The patch sounds the same whether I get the message or not. What's the problem? What's the fix?
This is happening on Windows 10.