jack ryon
Anyone have any suggestions as to how to go about streaming audio (from, say a radio broadcast) into a Pd patch? I'm giving a performance in a few weeks, and would like to add another 'instrument' to a live improvised piece including saxophone and drums. I want to include the processing of a webcast in realtime. Thanks for any help on this matter.
syr hon
jack ryon
I'm looking for a way to append (and possibly prepend) samples to an existing array which already holds data. I understand that this would require extending the range of the array to accomodate the new samples, but exactly how I should go about this is somewhat problematic for me. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,
jack ryon
Hi all,
I'm new to this forum, and pretty new to PD, and was just wondering if anybody might be able to give me some help (possibly in the form of examples) with qlist or textfile sequencing. I have found the help documentation on these objects to be sort of cryptic. This is compounded by the fact that my qlist doc is somehow empty, so I don't know how one should look in order to function properly, or how to send information to "recieve" objects in the patch. Any Feedback or examples of how other people implement these objects into their patches would really be helpful.
jack -
jack ryon
thanks again, hardoff.
I've got a week to get this thing together.
jack ryon
I'm doin' the OS X thing. Thanks for your reply, Hardoff.
jack ryon
thanks andy,
I already have a handle on that part (extending the array length) but if I proceed to write to that extended array with a tabwrite~, then wont I just replace all of my existing data with a new sample of the extended length? What I'm attempting to do is craete a sampler that writes audio slices to an array which continually adapts to the incoming recorded audio by extending its length? Is this possible.
jack ryon
yes, as a matter of fact. And I've been performing weekly with my laptop running puredata for over a month now. Damn is that satisfying. I'm finally over the initial hump.
Thanks for asking, Andy. Nothing new posted, but I'll keep you informed.byebye
jack -
jack ryon
Another option you might want to explore is the [tabplay~] object, especially if you don't intend to timestretch/pitchshift the sample written to your array. A Bang message will simply start the sample from the top of the array and play to the end.
By the way, what is an RTFM?
jack ryon
Thanks everybody for your help. These examples are going to serve me well (just as soon as I get a chance to study them thoroughly, perhaps over the weekend). Any more examples are most certainly welcome.
jack -