• iver56

    Is there a way to make your PD patch able to receive midi tempo sync data, so it is synced with f.ex. a keyboard or a DAW? What object(s) would I need?

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  • iver56

    Hi! I'm new in this forum =)

    I created a PD-patch that takes midi notes to place several narrow bandpass-filters, in order to extract tone-defining sounds out of noisy sounds. This effect requires both audio and midi input. I want to implement this PD-patch as a VST-plugin in my DAW (in this case FL Studio). I have therefore downloaded and applied PdVst to my patch and successfully been able to run it as an effect-plugin in my DAW. But one crucial thing is not working: The sending of midi notes from the DAW (or directly from a midi-keyboard, for that sake) to the [notein] object in my PD patch! * Maybe PdVst-effect-plugins just aren't designed to receive midi notes via the notein-object? If so, what would you suggest as an alternative (method)? Btw, I've tried to create simple a PdVst-instrument (as opposed to effect), and it could successfully receive midi-notes from the DAW, but it didn't have any audio input...

    Any help is highly appreciated =)

    Here's a (slightly edited) screenshot of my DAW and PdVst with the patch:

    (click the image for full size)

    * I know the VST-effect standard generally allows effects to receive midi notes this way. For example the VST effect plugin GSnap (ala AutoTune) can tune any (monophonic) sound input to the key played on a midi-keyboard.

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  • iver56

    Cool, I didn't even know that this was possible with PureData! I'm kind of a beginner, so for me, this was useful.

    posted in I/O hardware diyread more
  • iver56

    Thank you! =)

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  • iver56

    Thanks for the reply!

    I don't think it's a configuration issue, because it works for other plugins, like GSnap and a granular synth (Partikkel Audio) with audio- and midi-input, amongst others. This is what I did: Add a "midi out" and set the port number to the same as the effect plugin. Theoretically, this method should work for any VST-effect. But for all I know, PdVst could work better in other DAWs, like Sonar..

    Have you tried to run a PdVst effect plugin in Sonar, and successfully give it both audio- and midi-input simultaneously?

    In the pdv-file I have to specify whether my plugin should act as an effect or an instrument. I set it to effect (VSTi = FALSE), because that makes most sense for my patch. A VST-effect should theoretically be able to receive both audio- and midi-input. If I set it to instrument, it will, by design, be unable able to receive any audio to prosess.

    It is, of course, possible that pdvst disables [notein] when the plugin is set to act as an effect..

    I attached my .pdv, in case you want to check it for errors.


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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!