@jancsika sorry for my noob question (the file threw a hissy fit when I gave it to pd vanilla) -- do I need purr data installed or is the draw object something that I can grab from somewhere and "install" for pd vanilla?
@Balwyn yeah - wow - thanks!! …. it is along the lines I was thinking about - even though my thoughts are still very vague about both having a graphic score as a fixed finished item but at the same time somehow showing which "notes" are being played on that score! I'm still very noobish in pd so it took me a while to get it to work - and I'm probably only using it half-optimally .. but at least it's doing "something"!
Once again a big thank you - all of this is a great help to show me what can be done and, importantly, how to achieve it! -
thanks. I started with 07.sequencer.pd -- I'm beginning to understand the relationship between top-level template and the stuff that follows it... not quite sure yet how pd knows about x, y, width for the amp and voice templates ... but I'm working on it!
@jancsika Thank you -- I stumbled across purrdata in this thread -- https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/10349/drawing-objects-simplified/2 -- at the time I ignored it (one more thing to be confused about!) but your link to git has clarified a lot for me. And the reason I got to that thread was to look into pd's drawing capabilities because ....
I'm looking to pd (+/- variants) to be able to help me create sound and video from something like a "piano roll". Ideally the piano roll has "only" the music but this is interpreted as both sound and video. The end point is to have a graphic score that can be "played": e.g. https://www.classicfm.com/discover-music/latest/graphic-scores-art-music-pictures/bergstrom-nielsen-towards-unbearable-lightnes/ (but I'll create the score from the music and then make it look as though it's being played!)
In the process of looking further into this I found this that was done with pd: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/52/Solitude.png which is close, but closer to a traditional score (it's time-based) than the more abstract notation I was aiming at.
Hi. Very interested in pd's drawing capabilities and grateful for the share of 'object-draw-updated' . Other than screen capture, do you know of any way to save the drawings to a video file (similar to open xx.wav / writesf~)??
@whale-av Thanks.. still slowly getting back into this after a 4 year lay-off....
Thanks! very helpful list! -- but it's a bit chicken and egg - if I know only conceptually what I want (e.g. draw a square) I'd need to find a library that might have something useful -- recognising that the list you pointed me at does seem to give the source library, it would still be useful to have the ability to scan the contents list for libraries before installing them
ok - thanks -- and I found the answer to my next "how do you decide who to trust" question on the github link. But I guess I need to download the package to find out what objects it contains?
ok - totally noob-ish question -- so sorry! but ... I found pd about 4 years ago; used pd-extended then; and now I'm back with Andy Farnell's book in hand where he talks about "the enormous range of objects available in pd-extended" only to discover that extended is "discontinued" . So I installed the latest vanilla but I'm really not sure how to get the objects that I guess just aren't in vanilla?! Or even if I need them?! Anyone got any advice?
amazing ... had the same problem with ead~ ... I am SOOOOOO glad I found this forum. That's two headaches avoided today!
yes it did help! Total noob to pd here... I had abut 2 hours of head banging first finding how to save files (found writesf~
) then trying the example in the help files with the same lack of success.... this post pointed me in the right direction: I copied / saved the writesf~ example to a directory to which I had write access (my working files) and magic happened!! Thanks!