• grgdrs

    Thank you @Greener, I will try this soon and let you know!

    posted in technical issues 7 years agoread more
  • grgdrs

    Hello @Greener I'm trying out your Looper and it seems working. The only problem I see is that there is no possibility to delete a loop. So it's like recording a new loop over the previous loop and so on. But maybe i don't see this part of the patch, like a "clear" button.
    In other words: let's say I make a loop and then I want to delete it and make a new loop (everything in realtime) how can I do?

    Also, are the recorded loops automatically deleted, or are they saved in some folder?

    Thanks for your kindness and patience, I'm a newbie :)

    posted in technical issues 7 years agoread more
  • grgdrs

    Thanks to both of you. I will try the next days, as soon as find some free time, and let you know.

    posted in technical issues 7 years agoread more
  • grgdrs

    Thanks again, I tried and now seems working on Vanilla too.

    I'm learning now what tables are because I'm trying to create a Looper. Such an infinite amount of notions in PD.

    By the way, in case you know, do know where to find basic Live Looper patches to begin with? I found a couple on the Internet but don't work, or at least I'm not able to make them work. ;)

    posted in technical issues 7 years agoread more
  • grgdrs

    Thanks for replying. Sure DSP is on. Don't really know where is the problem. I will try again and see what happen.
    Thanks again!

    posted in technical issues 7 years agoread more
  • grgdrs

    Hello I'm a new user. I tried PD-Extended some years ago then abandoned and now I 'm trying again with Vanilla.

    I want to upload a file .wav in Vanilla to read it and possibly modifying it. I made this easy patch:Screen Shot 2017-10-13 at 11.09.22.png

    but in Vanilla it opens the file but doesn't read it.
    Tried same patch in PD_Extended and it works.
    Can't find the solution. Anyone have the same problem?

    posted in technical issues 7 years agoread more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!