Yes it worked beautifully. Thanks again
Thanks so much i will give that a go at the end of a day of trying to zoom to students
Help for a non programmer with logic please. I suspect this’s easy if you are familiar with pure data which I am sorry to say I am not. I am using two home made sensors to send midi note data to pd to trigger events. While one sensor is continuously activated (possibly for several minutes) it sends a note on value and once deactivated it sends note off. While this sensor is activated I want the other sensor to be prevented from passing through data. In pseudo code it would be something like
If note in is 50 and velocity is 127
Note in 43 with any velocity is ignored
I have tried and failed with so many convoluted messy patches I have resorted to asking for help although I am ashamed not to be able to figure this out for myself.
David and inbox. Thanks very much for the explanations. I appreciate the help.
A real newbie question i am afraid. Could someone please explain how to interpret the notation used on some posts? Those that provide screenshots or downloadable patches are perfectly clearly to me
but ..
An example would be this - (copied from here https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/5497/how-to-pass-a-variable-in-to-puredata/5)
[receive mayVar2]
[hello \Is there a specific grammar and syntax for this style of notation? There are clearly much more complex examples.
Also the code that appear in the black boxes eg[ https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/12547/number-boxes-ip-address.
Thanks for tolerating my ignorance.