• gomerpiledrive

    does anyone have any tutorials they could recommend for getting a good start at building some basic patches? i read through the puckette docs and couldnt really find any other thorough materials on puredata.org or other pd.ring sites..

    is there maybe a page with a list of pd tutorials?

    seems like there might be some other newbies here who would know..


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  • gomerpiledrive

    thanks allan,

    yeah i had actually downloaded that book, but hadnt really tackled it yet. good to know that those descriptions are in it.

    some good lunchbreak reading for today then..


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  • gomerpiledrive

    hey allan...

    yeah - i had alot of those problems and almost gave up but recently found a version of Pd that comes with an installer (no need to mess with terminals!) made by Hans Christoph-Steiner - availible on his page at:

    [url=http://at.or.at/hans/pd/installers/ ]http://at.or.at/hans/pd/installers/

    it seems to be working great on my machine. hope that helps..

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