Hi there.
I tried to import an .obj to use it in GEM via [model]. The import of the model worked fine, but it has no texture. I exported the .mtl as well with 3ds Max, when I open the file with notepad I can see that the texture is used.
But how do i use it in PD? I used the material message, thanks to the [model]-helpfile, but the texture does not show up. Is there anything else I need to do? -
Here I am, again, with another question. I guess I have some kind of inner blockade or something, but I just can't figure that out. I think it's mostly because i miss the If-else-then-things of written code..
I have my house, the import worked fine, and so on. But now I want to switch the textures in real time, and I cant figure out how to do that. There is a second input. If this input is 1, choose the left texture. If the input is 0, choose the right texture. Simple in written code, but I cant get it working in PD.. Any ideas anyone? -
Thanks, I used this chain and it displays a texture, but somehow I screwed up at 3ds Max then. I used the Unwrap UVW Modifier in Max, it does look pretty nice in max, but when I try to export it into PD, it looks deformed. I attached a picture how the house looks and how it should look like. Any idea?