@alexandros seems to work fine without the -open flag! was just the / before home i missed.
@FFW thank you! think i couldn't see the trees for the forest; a bit embarrassing, but thank you so much for your help!
Hi folks,
I'm trying to open a PD sketch on my RPi 3B+, running rasbian 11 Bullseye v11.
I've tried opening the PD file all the ways I know -
init.d tab
/etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart(the latter seeming to work for more people online)
but for the few, including LXDE-pi/autostart, which open pd on boot they all return an error "home/pi/bm83.pd: can't open"
I've tried with & without the 'sudo pd' & 'sleep' lines.
any ideas what could be causing this?
@jameslo Thank you so much! This patch works really well - and using your feedback I was able to edit my patch to the point where it works quite well. Really appreciate your support
Thanks all for your replies, and especially thank you David.
I have tried the suggestions - I hadn't realised that the order of creating [delread~] and [delwrite~] could break my patch!
I have tried adding a [stop( message and deleting & replacing the [delread~ buffer 10000] object but it still doesnt output the audio using the [open rec.wav( message, with the toggle toggled on.
I'll upload the patch with this reply, if you find a way where it works please let me know:)
Apologies before I get started; quite new to PD and very new to this forum.
If this is the wrong way to submit a forum post, or if this is the wrong area of the forum, please let me know.
TLDR: I want a PD sketch which constantly records audio from mic to a circular buffer, meaning only the last 10 seconds is recorded to a buffer. I want to be able to save the 10sec of recorded audio, and then be able to play that audio.
This will be a PD file on a headless Raspberry Pi, and I am going to use Adafruit Retrogame to remap GPIO button presses into keyboard presses PD can use.
At one point I had this working, then I changed something and since then it's not done as it should. This is the file I'm working with,