I'm sorry for have contributed to this result. I admit I was influenced by this message
@flextUser said:
The only virus is you porres
I don't know if you and porres are good friend so I've seen it as a attack to a very active contributor and it did you a disservice.
Maybe someone has already written an OSC plugin for gstreamer, that might be a good thing for such a case.
@willblackhurst I'm sorry but English is not my natural language. Therefore I don't understand your answer.
It's strange the [print] doesn't display the quotes if they are present in the output of [route].
Can you add a [print income] after [netreceive] in order we see if the message is clear?FYI this patch works great
@yannseznec said:
I couldn't figure out how to change this on the Pi
Have you see https://stackoverflow.com/a/51263272 ?
More info can be found here : https://www.framboise314.fr/utiliser-luart-port-serie-du-raspberry-pi-4/ (french).
@whale-av said:
I don't think you will be able to protect any patch that you sell....!
Maybe it's possible with compilation, PlugData is able to do this : https://plugdata.org/docs/book/CompilingPatches.html
Another possibility is to let the abstraction take configuration message.
@jamcultur said:
Is there a way to send a number from a bang using Send symbol in Bang Properties?
No, a bang send bangs.
The symbol entered is not interpreted (but$0
is replaced by the patch id). -
@Carambolooo said:
I have a problem with a mixer.
Have you check the motor brushes?
I'm already far away…
You need a full file structure
pure-data minimal file for an empty patch is#N canvas 122 109 450 300 12;
#N canvas X Y W H FONT-SIZE;
And you can't connect anything without object creation.
What can I do ?
Learn how to use PD.