• Fangy

    i have one problem and i don't know how to solve it without going back to windows 8.1

    before i update my pc to windows 10 my puredata+arduino work, on arduino i use Serial.write(); to comunicate with puredata with [comport 9600] but now when i open puredata sketch i get this error:
    comport number 9600 out of range (1-99)
    [comport] opening serial port 9600 failed!
    comport number 9600 out of range (1-99)
    [comport] opening serial port 9600 failed!

    and when i try to open port 3 (where i have arduino connected) i get this error:
    Opening COM3
    [comport] opened serial line device 3 (COM3)
    [comport]: RXERRORS on serial line (997)
    [comport]: RXERRORS on serial line (997)
    [comport]: RXERRORS on serial line (997)
    [comport]: RXERRORS on serial line (997)
    [comport]: RXERRORS on serial line (997)
    [comport]: RXERRORS on serial line (997)
    [comport]: RXERRORS on serial line (997)
    [comport]: RXERRORS on serial line (997)
    [comport]: RXERRORS on serial line (997)
    [comport]: RXERRORS on serial line (997)

    and i can't receive the data from arduino.
    I am using arduino 1.6.4 and puredata 0.43.4- extended

    anyone can help me?

    thanks in advance

    posted in technical issues read more
Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!