• domchristie

    ok, here's the deal.
    i'm trying to install zexy 2.1. i'm using pd 0.41-1, on a macbook pro os x.4.11 with xcode.

    i've put the zexy-2.1 folder in ~/Library/Application Support/Pd
    i've changed the terminal directory to the src folder within this directory, and executed "./configure" successfully.

    the problem comes in the next step. the linux install instructions say type "make" followed by "make install".

    once i've run "make", it comes up with the following:
    zexy.h:38:18: error: m_pd.h: No such file or directory

    and from what i've read, m_pd.h is quite important. the terminal also displays lots of other error messages, mainly starting with:

    i've also tried this command, which is stated in the install instructions:
    "make -f makefile.darwin"

    but it comes up with this:
    make: makefile.darwin: No such file or directory
    make: *** No rule to make target `makefile.darwin'. Stop.

    this makes sense, as "makefile.darwin" is not included in the src directory (or anywhere in "zexy-2.1" for that matter)

    i'm new to all this compiling malarkey, so any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.



    posted in technical issues read more
  • domchristie

    the solution:

    with help from a programmer friend of mine, i've managed to solve this problem. it appears there are a few problems with the installation files included in the zexy 2.1 folder, when installing on os x. here's a guide to getting it working.

    firstly download the zexy-2.1 source as well as the pd-0.41-1 source. i put both of these folders in: Users/your_username/Library/Application Support/Pd

    find the file "m_pd.h" which is in the "pd-0.41-1/src" folder. copy this file to the "src" folder in the zexy-2.1 directory.

    in terminal, change directory to the zexy-2.1 source folder. so if you put the 2 directories in the same folder as i did, type:
    cd Library/Application\ Support/Pd/zexy-2.1/src

    then type:

    assuming Xcode is installed, this should run a number of commands, including creating a file called "Makefile" in the "zexy-2.1/src" folder. open this in textedit.

    there will be a line which says something along the lines of:
    PREFIX =/usr/local/...

    change this line to look like this (assuming pd is installed in the applications folder):
    PREFIX =/Applications/Pd-0.41-1.app/Contents/Resources

    in the same way, alter this line:
    LFLAGS = -bundle -bundle_loader /user/local/...

    to look like this
    LFLAGS = -bundle -bundle_loader /Applications/Pd-0.41-1.app/Contents/

    save the file. in the terminal type:

    followed by:
    make install

    that should be the terminal stuff out of the way. now open up pd, and in the startup preference window, type:
    [apply -- ok]

    restart pd. you should now be able to use all the zexy objects!

    posted in technical issues read more
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