• Dirtywerk

    Hi Everyone,

    this is my first post, I searched the forum but couldn't find the info I needed and was wondering if anyone had any insight into whats going on.

    Basically I have a pd script I'm using that records a wav file to my hard drive, when I import that wav file into this other program I'm using, I get the following data but no playback.

    format: Unknown
    channels: 2
    sampleRate: 44100
    bitRateUpper: 44100
    bitRateLower: 44100
    bitRateNominal: 0
    blockAlign: 8
    bitsPerSample: 32
    sampleMultiplier: 1

    When I take that same file into an audio editor and export it as a wav i get the following data and the wav but with playback

    format: PCM
    channels: 2
    sampleRate: 44100
    bitRateUpper: 22050
    bitRateLower: 22050
    bitRateNominal: 0
    blockAlign: 4
    bitsPerSample: 16
    sampleMultiplier: 1

    So my question is if writesf is the best way to write wav files to the harddrive? Also is there a way for me to set some parameters so that my broken wav file has the same parameters as my working wav ( i.e. format to PCM )?


    posted in technical issues read more
  • Dirtywerk

    i had to set the bits to 16, finally found out how to do it, thanks for pointing me in the right direction

    posted in technical issues read more
Internal error.

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