• danoiseman

    Great @NoDSP thanks a lot, as soon as I can I will try that out, sure it will work. The trick is the order, tried sending messages but not in the proper order.

    posted in technical issues 10 years agoread more
  • danoiseman

    Thanks Whale, took a look at that yesterday but I didn`t understood how that's suposed to work. Perhaps I should write him (her?).

    posted in technical issues 10 years agoread more
  • danoiseman

    Hello, I'm trying to send NRPN messages to a microKorg. At first, connected the midi out of the keyboard to midi in of computer to see print the number I needed.

    Through a ctlin, first outlet gave me 3 numbers (one of them with the parameter, another one I believe with the MSB, and the 99 CC that NRPN uses). The other outlet gave me also 3 numbers.

    Using those numbers to send it from PD to the microKorg midi in, can't make it work. Tried with a ctlout with a trigger, sending the 3 numbers to first inlet in and the other 2 on the second inlet, didn't work. Tried with 2 ctlout to use CC 98 and CC 99 and that wasn't the answer neither.

    Does anybody knows how to solve it? Some of you have worked with NRPN? Some example?
    Thanks a lot!

    posted in technical issues 10 years agoread more
  • danoiseman

    Hi all! I'm trying to select values between 0 - 100, 100 - 200, 200 - 300 and so on. My intention is that when there's a value between 0 and 100 for example, let that number go to an object, when the value is between 100 and 200, go to another one. I was trying to get that worked the last days, but didn't find the answer. Any ideas? Thanks a lot!

    posted in technical issues 11 years agoread more
  • danoiseman

    Hello everybody! I've a HRadio with 7 positions. What I want to do is to connect a bang that adds a number (when it reaches 7, stop the counter) and another one attached to a minus 1 (this one stop at 0). How can I do that?

    posted in technical issues 11 years agoread more
  • danoiseman

    Hi, i'm using hid connected to a video server, so with a joystick I can control the limeline and some others features of that server. When I press a button, HID took the button-up and button-down. My question is how do I make to only use the button-down? And also, just in case, how I divide those 2 instances? Thanks a lot!

    posted in technical issues 11 years agoread more
  • danoiseman

    Hi everybody, I'm new on puredata, and I wanted to know how to do this:
    I've a value that most of the time is constant, the number is 1. I want that when it starts to decrease, from 1 to 0, a box with a number 1 at the beggining increase to 20 when the first number gets near to 0. How can I do that? Thanks a lot!

    posted in technical issues 12 years agoread more
  • danoiseman

    I've tried, but now that I asked, it seems that the issue is solved. The problem I had with [moses] was that the right outlet still passing the number when it was greater than the value I wanted, what I have to do is to put that value in another [moses] with the next filter value, and for the first one a [<] with the max number I want. Thanks!

    posted in technical issues 11 years agoread more
  • danoiseman

    Thank you both!

    posted in technical issues 12 years agoread more

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