• cwp

    @lovelovevideo ok, so maybe this is way basic and obvious, but... i've had a similar problem and decided to use [colorRGB] to manipulate "opacity":

    Below is just an example. Essentially you want to choose an integer range between 0 and whatever positive integer (the alpha inlet of [colorRGB] uses values between 0 and positive 1). Your input has to be within this range (e.g. 25, 10, 5, etc.). Then divide the input by the range (50) and thus you will yield a float (decimal value) between 0 and 1. The resultant float (decimal) values will be "spaced" out in the same increments as your integer range (i.e. input 5/50 = .1, 10/50 = .2, 15/50 = .3, etc).

    I hope this helps and isn't more confusing or besides the point!

    Screen Shot 2016-05-24 at 2.12.32 AM.png

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  • cwp

    @lovelovevideo Essentially you want to use your alpha channel to control opacity to create a sort of fading effect? And you're trying to convert whatever value is feeding into the alpha channel from an integer into a float--a decimal value between 0 and 1?

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  • cwp

    @godinpants im new to pd and ya posted a while a go, but these gifs are great

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  • cwp

    @alexandros I've got the projection dimensions in there: that looks good. now just going to give offset a shot. I'll report back asap.

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  • cwp

    @alexandros ok, thanks alexandros. not in front of the projector right now but ill give it a go. much appreciated for the confirmation.

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  • cwp

    @whale-av no problem, david. menubar gone--excellent. thank you for reminding me. I had forgotten about that little finicky setting.

    new issue: bar on gemwin window remains. I got it to disappear once using [border 0], but this then creates the new issue of not being able to grab and move gemwin to the extended desktop. think i can i resolve this using offset message to gemwin?

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  • cwp

    @cwp OK, so instead of using [fullscreen 2], i just ended up sending [gemwin] the resolution dimensions of the projector and created a free-standing window that can be pulled to the extended desktop. Tried using [menubar -1], however not working.

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  • cwp

    @whale-av Hey david... thank you for the input! I don't know if I entirely understand how to apply it myself --So I should throw a [rectangle] into the current gemwin and then adjust its size by eye until I find the correct proportions and thus apply these proportions to my [pix_texture]-->[rectangle] s? Also what do you mean when referring to "over-scanned so as to lose the bounding box"? Sorry for noobin out.

    I'm currently using [pix_info] to inform [rectangle] dimensions via [pix_texture] in order to both scale-down and retain the aspect ratio of the original images, since all are different. I developed without a projector, in a smaller gemwin with 16:9 dimensions and everything looked great while using this scaling/aspect-ratio-retention patch. What'd ya think?

    Screen Shot 2016-05-09 at 9.06.42 AM.png

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  • cwp

    @alexandros gave it a shot via projector. Thank you for the [fullscreen 2] tip== definitely works!

    ...however everything is slightly stretched wide and also clips off both edges of the gemwin--as though gemwin's fullscreen is beyond 16:9. Happen to have any ideas about this?

    I've tested all of the available aspect ratio settings in the projector, but they all remain It's odd because all other items appear in the correct aspect ratio. It's only gemwin that's askew. I'll just keep trying some things out.

    And thank you for all your help alexandros.

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  • cwp

    @alexandros and everything scales up proper so long as you're in the same aspect ratio?

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