• Cristina Amazonas

    Thanks nau, I've tried it before but no success.
    It seems the "Ubuntu Software Center" can deal with it. It said There would be a risk to the system and aborted the installation. I've forced but ... it abbended anyway.

    It is a pity these amazing open source projects like Pd-extended, Processing, OpenCV are so hard to get to work on Linux when you don't have the background to manage shell commands.

    I find myself confused which could be the right Linux distro to make all graphics work fine.
    Has anyone tried Linux Mint Debian ?
    Any recomendations ??

    Thanks anyway !

    posted in technical issues 14 years agoread more
  • Cristina Amazonas


    I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 64-bits with not much technical experience, and also faced this problem : how to install pd-extended ??

    I've tried the .deb packages for maverick (did not work for the 32 bit architecture) and then the .deb for Lucid 64 bits but the Ubuntu Software Center did not let it install (...) The .deb packages are by default opened that way. I've tried to force the install but it did not :/
    There is a package saying "all plataforms" but I don know how to install from .tz files :(

    Any hints ?
    Any of you two above could make it work ?
    It would be great to get this working ...
    If anyone could help ...
    Thanks in advance!

    Best, Cristina.

    posted in technical issues 14 years agoread more
Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!