I am looking to get a camera to recognise and track alphabetical letters. I am only looking to recognise 4 letters, TACG (the DNA bases) and these would be written on a block that the camera can see.
I have looked at using reactivision and including a letter beside the fiducials but it would be great if I could just use a letter on its own and get rid of the fiducial altogether.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
Thanks -
Hello People,
I have recently started running PD through Linux to take advantage of the better compatibility and so I am a little lost as to how to set somethings up. It seems there are pd files in many different folders and I'm unsure where the necessary ones are.
I am using pd-extended.40.3 for Ubuntu Hardy, but on Xubuntu.
In particular I am trying to use the opencv and haarcascades with PD, hence the changeover.
The website that informs on opencv& PD when talking about installing the libraries
http://hangar.org/wikis/lab/doku.php?id=start:puredata_opencv says" edit the Makefile to fit your system and sources folders:
for pix_opencv edit the Makefile and change the values for PD_DIR and GEM_DIR variables
for pdp_opencv edit the Makefile.config and change the values for OPENCV_CPPFLAGS, PD_CPPFLAGS, PDP_CFLAGS variables
then, compile it :: "
My Makefile does not have this it has
srcdir = .
top_srcdir = .Does anyone know what to change these to or how to find the relevant folder.
Please, I am dieing to have some fun with opencv. -
Hello all,
I am trying to stream the Gem output into resolume so that I can flick between the two in a live show without effecting the 2ndary output. I have tried using a second software such as Softcam, Cemtasia to capture and send the footage but running the 3 programmes eats the CPU or openGL.
Any soluions without using 2 machines. Ideally there would be a way of outputting the Gemwin into another format ie Capture Driver or Input Source.
Is it possable to do the screen effect / like seen in Photoshop in Gem....?
I'll need to do this with webcams.
Not sure exactly how the effect actually works so maybe there is another way of setting it up...Also does anyone know how to control the pix_levels properly. I don't get the ceiling in out stuff. I just want to kill the Red or Green in a particular gemhead.
P -
I have something set up to distort when the number part is changed. The only trick is I need it to continue moving when there is no interference with it. If I use a metro this effects the human interferance as it keeps counting up as you play with it...
|s it possable to send a bang when a number is still for x miliseconds....???
Cheers -
I have four webcams hooked up through a USB hub. Is there a way of switching beween these in real time without using the device 0 message. It is very slow. Is it possable to have them all running at the same time, like 4 film pieces.
pix_film seems to cope wit hmultiplle gemheads but pix_video does not, Please pove me wrong
Thanks for the help
Saturno thank you so much for your help, support and counciling but after so many efforts to get this running and looking at every forum I could understand I unfortunately have to close the book on this as I have invested more than an unbearable amount of time on it.
I have left it for a few days so to come back with a fresh mind but end up with the same dead ends.
Darn -
The ldd suggestion seems to work fine, does not seem to have errors.
But it still doesn't work.
I did notice that the opencv library did not load when starting pd. I have always used PD extended and not entirely sure how to add the externals for add on. Maybe this is the problem. So I have tried this but maybe failed as I am unclear about the variety of folders linux installs where to look for this.I have copied the files that end in .pd_linux to the extra folder.
So maybe it's the opencv not loading in PD but maybe this should be sorted in my efforts install the pix_opencv addons. I have tried to redo the make but it doesn't run like it did previously.
Many many thanks for the help Saturno. Appreciated
Another idea is to look at some of the examples in pmpd where there is a more fluid or elastic movement.
I was looking at the wrong file.
How stupid... Thanks SaturnoBut still I don't have a clue how to set it up from there.
I tried changing the folders to usr/lib/pd and usr/lib/pd/extra/Gem but had no success.
All my pd and Gem folders are in a lib folder rather than a src folder.
And there doesn't seem to be a pd-extended-40.3 folder....So can I ask if someone has this running and if they do did they compile PD themselves and should I be looking for a src folder or a lib folder? What type of pd files is it looking to work with?