I'm trying to get http://www.iamas.ac.jp/~aka/max/#aka_keyboard to work with pd-extended. I've googled around and cant seem to find out how to do it. I've placed it in the user/Library/pd folder as well as the ../Pd-extended/Contents/resources/extra folder.
I'm new to all this so I'm not even sure if it is supposed to work in PD. The two files in the aka.keyboard folder are aka.keyboard.mxo and aka.keyboard.help
I appreciate any help
Haha, I'm using OSCulator to connect the balance board to PD, but OSCulator doesn't output keystrokes for balance board. It outputs a number depending on where you are standing on it (similar to an accelerometer), and OSCulator can only send out keystrokes from buttons and there are no buttons on the balance board. I got it working with the Wiimote but would like to use it with the Balance board.
Thanks again!
I've decided to make it in Max/MSP for now
No, I need to output keys (wasd) to a game (Minecraft) so that I can use the Wii balance board as a controller to walk around in-game. The [key] function only takes in keystrokes, not emulates the keyboard. I know the [aka.keyboard] does do this, but only in Max/MSP as you have said in the first post. Sorry if I was unclear.
Thanks so much for your help
well that makes sense i suppose. do you have any suggestions to export keystrokes/keypresses? i dont want to use a midi translator unless its free.
please excuse any lack or gramatical or punctual prescision, im on my phone at school and have to hide it