• Citizen_Insane

    I've recently gotten my hands on an Arduino for the purposes of using it as an input/output device for PD. The long term plans are to use biometric sensors as triggers and modifiers of the sound coming out of my guitar (processed through my PC).

    My problem right now is a little more basic. How do I communicate with my Arduino via PD? I've tried a few patches that claim to have interfacing but none of them work. Pduino for some reason crashes PD when I load the test patch so I can't even get an idea what's going on inside the patch.

    I know my Arduino is communicating because I can monitor the values in the Arduino software.

    Can anyone explain to me how to get this working (I'm running Vista x64)?

    posted in technical issues 16 years agoread more
  • Citizen_Insane

    When I launch arduino-test.pd, pd crashes. I'll try reinstalling PD and see if it crahses again.

    Edit - yep, still crashing, let me test it in compatibility mode.

    nope, doesn't work either.

    posted in technical issues 16 years agoread more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!