• cica01

    You are totally right, I confused message with object. Will try again and look for the pitch help. Thanks!

    posted in technical issues read more
  • cica01

    Hello, I never used Pure Data before so I am totally new, and I need to write a sampler patch that can play multiple sound files at different pitches and volume, with loop integration.

    Following a tutorial I managed to create a first patch that can loop record and control volume, as you see in the image,

    Now I wanted to add a pitch control, and I understand I need an array for that, but if I try to change my readsf object with an object "read -resize sound1" it cannot be created, so I'm kind of stuck now.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated :) thanks!!


    posted in technical issues read more
Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!