• Ch4n

    Hi there, i built an impulse osc by using phasor~ i want use it for audio purpose and also for trig/bang some other objects such random.
    Could someone help me to archive it in PD Vanilla?


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  • Ch4n

    Wow thanks for help! But i found a round method which is .darwin, it is in the same folder of the pd file, and it work without any change, does it work with libpd?
    If not where i can download the round~ lib to add it?

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  • Ch4n

    Hi there, i'm newer of pd, i know well max or sc, i writing a small app for android and i use libpd, I wish to use round~ into my patch, but vanilla have not, so i tried to build it but the example i found were not for audio use.
    I found an external .darwin from Fredrik Oloffson which i don't know if will be compatible with android.
    May i ask some help to identify which solution is better to obtain round~ working inside android?
    Where find the round.pd for example,
    Where put it to get it working inside pd vanilla?
    Thanks in advance!

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  • Ch4n

    thank you for special help

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  • Ch4n

    Hi there, i'm newer of pd, i know sc and max, i'm trying to modulate a signal by pass it thru a freqshift~ that receive another signal for frequency input, a kind of frequency modulation, but the freqshift~ of pd receive only numbers,
    How can i do to preserve the modulation details?
    To modulate the freqshift~ frequency with a signal?
    Thanks a lot!

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