• cfry

    @whale-av I just found this thread https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/14551/octophonic-to-binaural and the advice to use [hoa.xxx~] from ceammc lib. Seems doable.

    If it is just a matter of connecting a circle of speakers then I think I am set.


    https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/14728/ambinilla-1st-order-ambisonic-panner-for-pd-vanilla seems workable too.

    I receive position data over osc from unity3d so that is already working fine.

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  • cfry


    I am doing an interactive installation and I would like to use ambisonic sound. I may be using VR too.

    I use Unity3d to control sound synthesis in Pd and I can send panorama degrees of objects to Pd as you move around in the 3d world.

    What solutions for this are there? Any libs that I should check out?

    Time is quite short so if I can not find a simple workable solution I may have to skip it, but I rather not.

    Any input is greatly appreciated!

    All the best,

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  • cfry

    @oid can you not just open/close a patch by some command? I would like to explore that at least.

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  • cfry


    I am planning to use multiple configurations for an installation. I think it will be smoother for my workflow if I can switch between patches rather than settings within a patch. What options are there for this? Pros/cons? Tips?


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  • cfry

    @ben.wes i had not have the time to test yet, but ill do it as soon as possible. Thanks for trying to solve this.

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  • cfry

    It goes into edit mode but I can not interact.

    I switch between edit and performance mode all the time when I code.

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  • cfry

    I am on mac os Monterey and pd 0-54-1.

    Randomly can not edit, have to close and reopen subpatch. Happens quite freqently.

    Anyone else have this problem?


    It happens with pd-0.55-0 too.

    I am using [pd-mypatch vis $1( on the parent sub patches.


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Internal error.

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