• cairie.bird

    so i'm using an arduino mega, arduino2pd (http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Interfacing/PD), and pd-extended. I've modified arduino2pd but it does the same commands.
    Anywho, when I receive input to the digital pins, the toggle unchecks, which is what i want. The problem I'm having is that the poll command that is checking the inputs from the arduino every 40 ms is checking the toggles every 40 ms, which then sends the message from the toggle at 40 ms to a tabread4. This then triggers samples at a CRAZY rate and you can't even tell what they are. I would like it to trigger once so that the whole sample plays (1 second long sample.) Possibly with a delay? That input might be played again (this is for an instrument) so maybe a delay of 400? :?
    Any ideas on how to do this??

    posted in I/O hardware diyread more
  • cairie.bird

    I want to hook up an IR Led to trigger a patch. I'm new to pduino and need help with which inputs and outputs i'm going to be using. the freeduino is hooked up to pduino and seems to be connecting fine.
    i first just need help getting the ir led data into pduino, help??

    posted in technical issues read more
  • cairie.bird

    instead of uploading StandardFirmata, try uploading StandardFirmataV_02. it worked for me and I had the same problem :)

    posted in technical issues read more
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