• CA. Sinclair

    Hi guys!
    I'm an "experimental" electronic musician from Vienna, Austria, I release my work online on netlabels, and I've been using Pd as a major (and as of recently, the main) tool in my music-making process for two years.

    Anyways, I have a new full-length album out that I thought might interest you around here because it's about 90% improvised in real time using my own Pd patch and about 10% edited using simple two-track techniques (no overdubs or remixing or anything of the sort). The album is titled Bells and centers around the manipulation of samples of a pair of tibetan temple cymbals. See the links further down this post for more details.

    The patch I use is a "looper" type of thing which consists of four sample players and a fixed bank of effects modules that the players can be freely rooted through, all in real time. I use as little automation or synchronisation as possible because I believe that doing most things "by hand" allows for more diverse and interesting playing (and in turn hopefully listening) experiences.

    Go here for the album (released on Clinical Archives netlabel): http://www.archive.org/details/ca185_cas

    And here (http://www.myspace.com/visormuzack) for my MySpace profile containing some more info on me and what I do (including patch screenshots :D).

    Hope you enjoy the music!

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