• bondinstitute

    Thank you. I will try elsewhere.
    Hope the devs aren't overly cranky... I am trying to RTFM, but where to find it?

    posted in libpd / webpd 4 months agoread more
  • bondinstitute

    struggling for days over the tutorials of Cheetomoskeeto.

    everything has changed since these were made 9 years ago. With much effort (stuck for days) I can get to tutorial 7. almost 8. "UIAlertView" has been depreciated. I cannot find a fix anywhere. "Skip it", one comment said. Build now fails.

    Cheeto's sidedrawer doesn't have 'SceneDelegate' for example. The code shown in the video does not exist anywhere. Clearly new version of Xcode has reorganized everything.

    I have been cross referencing with this tutorial - it sets up Swift rather than Objective-C, https://defuncart.com/blog/tech/2015/09/22/making-ios-music-apps-with-pure-data-libpd-swift.html
    I added a bridging header, Tried to follow exactly the instructions. No go.

    Are there any updated tutorials for 2024? Can anyone walk me thru this - willing to pay a tutor for zoom call assistance in setting up Xcode & Swift with Pd.

    Any pointers greatly appreciated!

    posted in libpd / webpd 4 months agoread more
  • bondinstitute

    I needed to enter this into terminal.
    git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://

    I found the solution here:

    posted in libpd / webpd 4 months agoread more
  • bondinstitute

    I found these tutorials online by cheetomoskeeto.

    M2 Sonoma 14.1.1
    Terminal ignores all instructions. I called Apple tech support, they say terminal won't work for this purpose anymore!?
    I downloaded the zip file & created the folder with clone contents, but cannot complete the next step.
    "git submodule init"
    any help? is there a way to do this without terminal? trying to use github desktop, but no joy there either. thanks in advance!

    posted in libpd / webpd 4 months agoread more
Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!