Passionate about music, audio and computer science.
I'm currently working as developer at n-Track Studio, a cross-platform DAW, and at Songtree, a collaborative music platform.
I'm also work as adjunct Professor at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata".
I have developed a VST3 plugin based on libpd to allow users to load pure data patches in n-Track Studio DAW.
Anyone who wants to test the plugin and give his feedback is welcome!
Marco Bertola
We've also made a simple video preview to show hot it works waiting for more video tutorial to help users to create and load their patches:
Hi everyone,
I'm glad to announce we've finally release the new version of n-Track Studio with Pd patch support.
Here the user guide to know about using Pd in our DAW:
http://it.ntrack.com/help/manual.html#pure-data-for-ntrackDon't hesitate to contact us for any problem or suggestion!
HI Everyone,
As one of the developers of n-Track Studio DAW, I'm glad to announce you the official release of n-Track Studio 8 witch integrates a support for Pd patches.
You can now load as instrument or as effect any patch created with Vanilla distribution.
You can get an overview about how it works in our user guide:
http://it.ntrack.com/help/manual.html#pure-data-for-ntrackI hope you’ll enjoy our project to make a new tool for the Pure Data community and don't hesitate to contact us for any problem and issue you'll find out.
the first release of Vst will support all pd Vanilla objects but, a the moment, about GUI objects we support only the main objects as slider, radio, toggles and buttons.
However, after the first release that will be available in the new n-Track Studio 8 in few days, we will certainly continue the development to support all features and all pd functionality.
Although now we are working to completely support Pure Data in n-Track Studio, we don't exclude to modify Vst to distribute it separately.About your last comment, what do you mean for modular DAW?
@random_pulse said:
Would it be technically even achievable to run multiple instances of a Pd-VSTwithout specific support of the Host-DAW?
The VST is based on libpd library that suffers the existence of several global variables that not allow to create multiple instance of libpd in the same process.
In n-Track Studio we take advantage of n-Track Bridge functionality that allow to instantiate any plugin in a different process.
So, at the moment, to run multiple instances of any VST plugin based on libpd, it's necessary to have the support of the host-daw.
HI random_pulse,
currently the plugin is provided only with n-Track 8 DAW because it has been developed with the n-Track graphics API and it takes advantage of n-Track Bridge feature that allows to have multiple instances on the plugin.
It is also one of the main new feature of n-Track 8 that will be officially release in few weeks so at the moment we would want this to remain a feature of our host. -
HI Everyone,
I’m one of the developers of n-Track Studio, a cross-platform Digital Audio Workstation available for Mac, Windows, iOs and Android (www.ntrack.com).
The new beta version of n-Track Studio 8 now include a new VST3 to allow to load and use Pure Data patches inside the workstation.
The VST3 is based on libpd and it's included in both Mac and Windows version.If you want to test it and I have prepared a temporarily FAQ page to help user to create compatible pd patch and test them in n-Track Studio:
http://en.ntrack.com/faq.php?category=13&showAll=1I hope you’ll enjoy our project to make a new tool for the Pure Data community and every feedback could be useful!
HI Everyone,
I’m one of the developers of n-Track Studio, a cross-platform Digital Audio Workstation available for Mac, Windows, iOs and Android (www.ntrack.com).
The new beta version of n-Track Studio 8 now include a new VST3 to allow to load and use Pure Data patches inside the workstation.
I'm still working on a complete user guide and I have prepared a temporarily FAQ page to help user to create compatible pd patch and test them in n-Track Studio:
http://en.ntrack.com/faq.php?category=13&showAll=1I hope you’ll enjoy our project to make a new tool for the Pure Data community.
HI Everyone,
I’m one of the developers at n-Track Software, a little audio software house based in Rome since 1993.
Our main product is n-Track Studio a cross-platform Digital Audio Workstation available for Mac, Windows, iOs and Android (www.ntrack.com).n-Track Studio is an entry level software, designed for hobbyists and semi-professional musicians, as well as researchers and students.
For these reasons, we have also developed a new VST3 available only for desktop version of the Studio to allow to load and use Pure Data patches inside the workstation.Currently we only support the patches created using Pure Data Vanilla distribution and we only support the visualization of sliders, canvas, radio buttons, buttons and toggle items.
I’m still working to improve the plugin and its features.I’m also adding a section in the user guide and a tutorial to help users use the plugin. The links are available as soon as possibile on our web site.
We’re currently looking for beta tester to help us to improve the plugin.
You could download the Studio at this link:
http://en.ntrack.com/download.phpI have also prepared a temporarily FAQ page to help user to create compatible pd patch for n-Track Studio:
http://en.ntrack.com/faq.php?category=13&showAll=1I hope you’ll enjoy our project to make a new tool for the Pure Data community.