• banihaykal


    i'm on pd 0.48, when using keyname i realise that the Float outlet only works when i hit Delete or Caps Lock, but not on other letters / keys. does anyone know why this is the case and how to resolve it?

    thank you!

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  • banihaykal

    hello hello!

    omg thank you so much both of you!

    im gonna try both methods and see what works.

    there might be some libraries I don't have, but if I run into any issues I'll drop another note.

    thanks again so much and I'll credit both for your assistance on this project!

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  • banihaykal


    I've been messing with pix_video etc to get my webcam to do motion detection things but I'm hitting a bad block and cannot figure out how to properly do this command

    basically I'm attempting to use a webcam to detect the presence of a user, and when it registers a visitor, it sends a signal to turn on DSP. when the user is not in sight, the DSP goes off.

    could anyone point to any existing projects I might refer to to get a better sense of how this works?

    with motion detection to MIDI seems pretty straight forward because the stream of numbers is always there, but with an operation to trigger YES/NO it seems a bit tricky even with Moses utilised.

    thanks for any help!

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  • banihaykal

    hello everyone!

    is there a way to delete a single entry off qlist once it's added?

    for example, if i typed "hello bof" and i only want to delete "f" instead to clearing the whole qlist entry.

    is this possible?

    thank you!

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  • banihaykal

    @ingox thank you so much for this! i didn't realise it was in Flatgui and have managed to get that. will also work out with your patch as well, of which thanks so much for sharing it!

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  • banihaykal


    i recall extended had an [entry] object but that seems missing in vanilla. i couldn't find flatspace or entry on externals browser.

    would anyone know of an alternative i could use to input text?

    i read of [cnv] / canvas but couldn't find my way around placing messages or objects to make it work.

    any pointers greatly appreciated!

    thank you!

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  • banihaykal

    thanks so much for this! with a bit of tweaking i managed to get it to work together with [capture], this is such a useful object!
    thanks again!

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  • banihaykal

    hello everyone, first time posting here.

    i'm attempting to write a patch where in order for sound to be triggered, a user is required to enter a password.

    i'm currently using the [capture] object to write a set of numbers on .txt, i'm stuck as to how pd could now identify and match this string of numbers to a set password.

    hope this makes sense.
    any pointers would be greatly appreciated!


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